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Toning laser
‘Highly in-demand skin improvement laser’
The toning laser provides consistent and reliable results in reducing scarring and wrinkles. Having a flat-top profile, the beam is homogenous and spreads its energy evenly over the skin’s surface, resulting in a gentle treatment with minimum possibility of epidermal injury.
Intense Pulse Light [IPL]
‘Undo and erase sun damage and age spots’
IPL is FDA approved to treat dilated blood vessels and is a versatile treatment that can treat a wide range of skin conditions. It is a rejuvenation technique that can decrease sun spots and broken capillaries for a noticeable improvement in both skin complexion and clarity.
Fractional Laser
‘Safely and aggressively defeat scars and wrinkles, no matter how deep they are’
Unlike traditional lasers which treat the entire surface of the target area, the Fractional Laser treats only a fraction of the skin, hence the name. This focusing allows for the fractional laser to be more aggressive and powerful, providing a skin resurfacing effect by combating scars, deep wrinkles, and uneven skin tones & textures.
RF [Radiofrequency] Laser
‘Gentle and versatile stimulation of natural skin rebuilding and tightening’
Radiofrequency(RF) is a novel non-ablative technology developed to target photodamage that has proven itself to be versatile. Being non-ablative, which means that it does not remove skin layers and instead works by stimulating natural collagen production to tighten the skin, the RF laser is a more gentle and less invasive approach.
Skin Booster
‘Food for your skin to become firm and radiant’
Like any other part of the body, your skin cells need energy and nutrients from food. Through microneedling, the skin booster delivers highly concentrated vitalizing compounds right where they are needed, providing vitamins, coenzymes, amino acids, minerals, nucleic bases, and antioxidants. The well nourished skin then naturally grows stronger and healthier, improving skin tone, firmness, hydration, and wrinkles. Rejuran Skin Booster is a popular choice for those seeking to achieve a youthful and radiant complexion. In addition to its nourishing properties, Rejuran can also stimulate collagen production, leading to increased skin elasticity and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
RF Fractional Laser
‘Instant plumping, long lasting soothing’
The RF Fractional Laser delivers the deepest fractional treatments available, penetrating subdermal tissue up to 8mm. This heats the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production and clean up the skin tone without the need for surgery. A series of these treatments improves the appearance of the skin in both the short run and the long run.
Multi-wavelength Laser
‘Clear complexion, deep skin resurfacing’
The Multi-wavelength Laser lives up to its name. Utilizing clinically proven technology, this laser provides a variety of services like the complexion clearing capabilities of IPL and the precise, deep targeting of fractional lasers, the effects of which have been documented in numerous case studies.